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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SKYNET is Online...almost

The Terminator movies did a pretty good job of predicting how powerful the internet would be and also of what robots would be capable of. Now I`m sure you are sitting there right now reading this, thinking `what the heck is this guy on about`.

Well without further ado let me introduce to you the dawn of the T-1000 (kind of)

From this video we can see how sophisticated robots are becoming, and to parallel the robotic industry with the internet, if this is where we are today, imagine in 5000 days.

Going back to what Kevin Kelly spoke about in his talk. In 5000 days the internet will have the equivalent power of 3 billion human brains. Can you imagine if a robot could tap into that kind of power... you know what on second thoughts maybe we should slow down, this internet business might be way out of our control before we know it.

I`m just joking though, I love technology and what its done for the business I`m all for forging ahead and dealing wit what happens when and if it even does.

Do you know the difference between RIGHT and WRONG??

Our lives are full of decisions, what to eat, what to wear, should I do my homework, should I hang out with friends, should I... should I... should I?

What about should I accept a $50,000 bribe to facilitate the 5 million dollar business deal? This is a question that we don`t have to ask ourselves on a daily basis, or maybe we are in a country/industry where we do, but the important thing is; how do we answer? Well Bernard Madoff knew his answer and so did the top heads at Enron. Madoff, made off with a cool billion before his bad luck caught up with him.

Business ethics is a very abstract subject and depending on our backgrounds and motives we have different view points. I thought I was set in my opinion that a business ethics course wouldn`t have much impact on my decisions after school. I thought, I`ve been pretty good up`till now why would I change when I`m working in the real world.
Then today, while doing a presentation on this very topic a classmate pointed out, `we haven`t had to ask ourselves these types of questions before now`, so I thought maybe an ethics course isn`t such a bad idea.

Whether e-business or non-virtual business there are ethical decisions that we need to make. The question I pose to you - my readers, is. Do you know the difference between right and wrong?

A real world case that puts the ethics to test - Enron...check out the clip

Monday, September 28, 2009

Play This and Get Connected !!!


The new black eyeds peas song called 'One Tribe' of their album The E.N.D. that is the song you should be listening to while reading this.

What does a black eyed peas song have to do with e-business you might ask? Well the song talks about connectedness, and how we are all one. Which in the literal sense is certainly not true but we are all connected through the web in one way or another.

Blackberries, iPhones, Kiosk terminals, even regular cell phones ;anything that has the ability to connect online in a manner of speaking connects us, but more importantly connects business.

Non-profit organizations and charities have so much more potential with the internet and ability to connect to people around the world.

So ask yourself, how many people have you connected with today?


Friday, September 25, 2009

A wealth of information

There is so so much information online these days, how are we supposed to keep up?

We probably don't even realize how much we are missing out on. Some might say that events and business on the other side of the planet don't affect us, unless of course you are involved or following that business.

But just yesterday, Sydney, Australia experienced the worst sandstorm in over 70 years shutting down all forms of transportation, even diverting planes from New Zealand.

What it all boils down to is are we using the web as efficiently as possible and if we are this overwhelmed with this much information today can you imagine in 2, 5 or 10 years from now.

Don't get left behind and never stop "surfing the web"

Sydney hit by major sandstorm, other parts of Australia by hailstones and small earthquakes

Sydney hit by major sandstorm, other parts of Australia by hailstones and small earthquakes

Shared via AddThis

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Online Gaming"

E-business is making it easier than ever for companies to get out there and join the global market place. has launched a new game retail website. India News Gaming New E-commerce Game Retail Website

Monday, September 21, 2009

Limited by age

Just a quick thought here.

With the exponential growth in internet use and the huge reliance on computers these days is the older generation going to get left behind in the proverbial computer dust of the younger generation?

My school library comprises of about 80% computer terminals to do "stuff" online, and 20% books. Even then maybe I'm being too generous towards the books.

However, we (the younger generation) have grown up around computers and the baby boomer generation who were introduced to the wonders of the computer and the web later in their days are playing big time catch-up.

With e-business playing such a major role in the world, these generation-X and generation-Y need to realize the valuable role they play in making e-business possible for the B.C generation. That's Before Computers, for you guys.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where would we be without - THE WEB?

I was watching a video today on , after hearing about it in where else, my e-commerce class and it talked about 5,000 days on the web. It made me wonder, what if the web wasn't where it is today? How would be manage? We probably ask ourselves; how did we manage? It has become such an inherent part of our daily lives that we don't pay much thought to it and how it has impacted our lives. Like cutlery, what if we never had it, well the fine dinning experience wouldn't be so fine.

So getting back to the web, we now have choice, and have had for some time. Choice as to where we buy our consumable products, where we learn, who we want to talk to. I know it seems pretty obvious, but do we ever give it much thought and think what if it weren't here?

The internet and the web have transformed the world in amazing ways and if you think about what it has done for business in the year 2009 and think about how e-business will be done in the year 2019. A mere 10 years away. Kevin Kelly, predicts that in 5,000 days (a little over 13 years) the web will be more powerful than about 3 billion human brains, which is staggering. Imagine the power and what can be accomplished.

I think we are so luck to be alive at this stage in time to see the development of such a powerful entity and be able to do business ways that will transform the world and hopefully for the better.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Laughing-is the same in every language

Humour can go a long way in every language. Here is a little something.

The power of language- Learn

In the world today, we find ourselves working and interacting with individuals from all over the globe. Business is no longer isolated to local towns. It is international. Being able to communicate effectively with these individuals can sometimes be the difference between success and failure. So, that being said I have added a pretty cool widget that keeps the language juices working.
Make an effort to learn a few salutations in a foreign language, because you never know when you'll need it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One small step into a big pond

In the words of Eddie Izzard on Neil Armstrong srcewing up the first words on the moon "small men take giant steps". I am taking small steps into a big pond, that pond is the world of internet blogging.
We've started this project for an e-commerce class, so I'll be trying to keep this updated and bring the world of e-commerce to you as best as I can.

Stay tuned for more