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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2D Barcodes - Do you Get it?

In this new age of technology there are many ways for a business to stay current and up-to-date with e-business methods.

A new wave of technology that is starting to show its teeth are 2D barcodes.

Now you may be asking youself what the heck is a 2D barcode. Well here is a quick crash course in barcodes, both 1D and 2D.

1D barcodes are you typical barcodes:

Code 39

(For those of you that are interested there is a way to decode what the lines mean in 1D barcodes. Drop me a line and i'll forward you the information for how to do that.)

2D barcodes are new and improved barcodes, of which there are a few types:

QR Code

Aztec Code

Bee tagg code

So above I've given examples of some popular 2D barcodes.

SO WHAT!! you might be asking youself, what's the big deal. Well you can scan these codes with you smartphone and all the information contained in the code will be transmited to your phone.

Check out this free scanner from

Keep your eyes open for 2D barcodes on magazines and other products.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


People will always say that negativity can bring people down and its bad to surround yourself with negative attitudes and behaviours. But ask yourself this, when was the last time the news had a positive bulletin?

CNN and BBC both are news giants recognized world wide. I was on both sites yesterday and you know what I saw? Not one peace of positive news of their homepage. You had to literally search for positive news stories.

There are so many positive news events circulating that would put perspectives into a much better light. However, these days its H1N1 this and war in Afghanistan that?

What about new discoveries, success stories of athletes, people succeeding over adversity? It is so hard to find, and on the internet we have the opportunity to seek out those positive news stories, but on the television or the radio, you can either listen or shut it off.

I know there are good news stories out there and there are companies making a difference in this world, but we don't care, all we want to hear about is what's bleeding in the news today.

As a request to all readers of this post, do something positive to impact your world - send a compliment, share a joke, give thanks and try to avoid all negativity for a day, I know its hard, but nothing in life is easy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What makes you a Canadian?

The numbe of races of people around the globe is stagering. Lanugages, dialects they come and go without many of us even knowing it, even with the internet. I heard on the news this morning that Canada is going to lose about 40 languages.

Ah, wait a minute, 40 languages?! Where did they come from? Well the native americans have their own dialect and because they are dying out the language isn't being passed on.

You'd think that the internet would lend itself to broaden peoples horizon and perspective on multiculturalism, yet there is still so much ignorance through the internet. Perhaps more than anything else, the internet hasn't made people more aware of how they should be accepting, but rather its given them a platform to express their racist and narrow minded views.

Case in point: A friend of mine put together a music video capturing the essence of Canada. Entiteld "Canadian, Please"

This great video, which has now recieved almost 3/4 of a million views received great comments of praise, and well shall we say "other" comments.

In response to the "other" comments, the video creator decided to do a little follow up:

So we need to recognize, that with e-business and being online, there is more to consider than our front door, and we need to step out of the proverbial back yard and embrace differences and diversity.