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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To My Classmates!!

This is a post for all of my classmates, those that have loved blogging and  those that hated it. What I've done is added another poll to my blog and I would like to get your feedback on the whole experience.
Votes are anonymous and you can change your answer if you change your mind. I give you until the last day of school to submit your vote.
Thanks guys.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How To Fix Traffic Jams

h man does traffic bother me.
  • You have no idea what's going on
  • You have no idea how long its going to continue
  • You have no idea how late you are going to be
  • You have no idea which way will get you out of this mess
Basically traffic jams suck whichever way you look at them. I have done some looking around for smarthphone applications that keep me posted on the latest traffic conditions when I'm driving, but it would be great to avoid them all together in the first place.

Canada has made a small effort to control traffic on the highways in the GTA area with the 407, however, in Sweden they have made the entire city centre more efficient through the implementation of e-business technologies.

Check out this video and see how much traffic has been reduced by implementing the marvels e-business solutions.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


One word says it all, GOOGLE, in my opinion is synonymous with cool.

GOOGLE is pushing farther forward and actually utilizing the internet to the best of its abilities than we could have ever imagined. Know, I'm not saying that google is the only kid on the block, but hey, guess what my spellchecker just told me to capitalize the world google, clearly the company is making an impression.

The company has made efforts to make our internet experience all the more exciting. I have recently got my hands on a GOOGLE WAVE account, and after watching their self proclaimed looooooong video, I was so pumped to get it up and running.

If you are looking for a way to kill some time, check out the video yourself.

If you don't feel like sitting through the 1.5hr long video here is a brief overview provided by GOOGLE pm's

In addition to the technologies we are all already familiar with:
 Youtube, Google search, Blogger, Google Earth, they are also getting into advertising and telephone services. The company has already penetrated the cell phone market with its Android operating system and plans to unveil its own phone.

What does this have to do with e-business? Well google is the internet (strong words, I know)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to crash a White House State Dinner Party

1. Dress up nicely
2. Shmooze with the right people
3. Act with class
4. Take lots of pictures
5. Post pictures on facebook of you crashing party
6. Insist you were invited when the secret service comes knocking

We wonder if the digital world is safe, yet the Americans and their special secret service cannot even keep the party crashers at bay. Here is an article with a picture of the couple at the white house gala.

Polo-playing socialites Tareq and Michaele Salahi posted a pic on their joint Facebook account of Michaele mingling with Vice President Joe Biden among other photos, but a White House official told the Washington Post that the couple was not invited to the dinner and were never seated at a table in the South Lawn tent.