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Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to crash a White House State Dinner Party

1. Dress up nicely
2. Shmooze with the right people
3. Act with class
4. Take lots of pictures
5. Post pictures on facebook of you crashing party
6. Insist you were invited when the secret service comes knocking

We wonder if the digital world is safe, yet the Americans and their special secret service cannot even keep the party crashers at bay. Here is an article with a picture of the couple at the white house gala.

Polo-playing socialites Tareq and Michaele Salahi posted a pic on their joint Facebook account of Michaele mingling with Vice President Joe Biden among other photos, but a White House official told the Washington Post that the couple was not invited to the dinner and were never seated at a table in the South Lawn tent.


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