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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you know the difference between RIGHT and WRONG??

Our lives are full of decisions, what to eat, what to wear, should I do my homework, should I hang out with friends, should I... should I... should I?

What about should I accept a $50,000 bribe to facilitate the 5 million dollar business deal? This is a question that we don`t have to ask ourselves on a daily basis, or maybe we are in a country/industry where we do, but the important thing is; how do we answer? Well Bernard Madoff knew his answer and so did the top heads at Enron. Madoff, made off with a cool billion before his bad luck caught up with him.

Business ethics is a very abstract subject and depending on our backgrounds and motives we have different view points. I thought I was set in my opinion that a business ethics course wouldn`t have much impact on my decisions after school. I thought, I`ve been pretty good up`till now why would I change when I`m working in the real world.
Then today, while doing a presentation on this very topic a classmate pointed out, `we haven`t had to ask ourselves these types of questions before now`, so I thought maybe an ethics course isn`t such a bad idea.

Whether e-business or non-virtual business there are ethical decisions that we need to make. The question I pose to you - my readers, is. Do you know the difference between right and wrong?

A real world case that puts the ethics to test - Enron...check out the clip


Unknown said...

That is crazy. I think business schools should have ethics courses so that people start thinking of others before they start stealing.

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