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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where would we be without - THE WEB?

I was watching a video today on , after hearing about it in where else, my e-commerce class and it talked about 5,000 days on the web. It made me wonder, what if the web wasn't where it is today? How would be manage? We probably ask ourselves; how did we manage? It has become such an inherent part of our daily lives that we don't pay much thought to it and how it has impacted our lives. Like cutlery, what if we never had it, well the fine dinning experience wouldn't be so fine.

So getting back to the web, we now have choice, and have had for some time. Choice as to where we buy our consumable products, where we learn, who we want to talk to. I know it seems pretty obvious, but do we ever give it much thought and think what if it weren't here?

The internet and the web have transformed the world in amazing ways and if you think about what it has done for business in the year 2009 and think about how e-business will be done in the year 2019. A mere 10 years away. Kevin Kelly, predicts that in 5,000 days (a little over 13 years) the web will be more powerful than about 3 billion human brains, which is staggering. Imagine the power and what can be accomplished.

I think we are so luck to be alive at this stage in time to see the development of such a powerful entity and be able to do business ways that will transform the world and hopefully for the better.


Unknown said...

That's so true, we depend on the internet for so many things. People even depend on it for dating instead of going out and actually talking to other human beings in person. I for one love the internet, I got my last job without even leaving my house since I had all my interviews on Skype!

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