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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SKYNET is Online...almost

The Terminator movies did a pretty good job of predicting how powerful the internet would be and also of what robots would be capable of. Now I`m sure you are sitting there right now reading this, thinking `what the heck is this guy on about`.

Well without further ado let me introduce to you the dawn of the T-1000 (kind of)

From this video we can see how sophisticated robots are becoming, and to parallel the robotic industry with the internet, if this is where we are today, imagine in 5000 days.

Going back to what Kevin Kelly spoke about in his talk. In 5000 days the internet will have the equivalent power of 3 billion human brains. Can you imagine if a robot could tap into that kind of power... you know what on second thoughts maybe we should slow down, this internet business might be way out of our control before we know it.

I`m just joking though, I love technology and what its done for the business I`m all for forging ahead and dealing wit what happens when and if it even does.


chahal.hardeep said...

Hey this is pretty cool, I wonder how long before robots will be operating with hands like this and full bodies.

chahal.hardeep said...

This is good stuff....keep the good work going

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