Custom Search

Thursday, October 1, 2009



With the revolution of the internet, we are becoming more dependent upon it.We see it all around us and the potential impact it's going to have on the future of businesses is huge. So we better make sure that we can keep up and not get lots in the bites and bytes of cyberspace.

With technologies there are bound to be setbacks and technical difficulties. But we better figure out a way to minimize these 'technical difficulties'. I mean imgaine you are in the middle of a super important web conference or writing a major report or compiling financial data from the quarter and the sh*t hits the fan with the comptuer system-can you say system crash?!

We do what we can to avoid these computer hiccups impacting us too much, with constant backups and the 'crtl + S' feature when writing the documents we think we are safe. But as we become more reliant on the web and business are exposing themselves (in a manner of speaking) to the public what are they going to do to protect themselves?

I don't know the answer to these questions or maybe I do and I'm too tired to include them in this post, but regardless, we need to be vigilant. With technology things will go wrong. So make sure you call for backup BEFORE its too late.

For the sake of interest I'm running a little poll on the side. So you tell me how often you backup your work.


vmartinevans said...

It's crazy how often people don't back up and I'm one of them. I learned the hard way (as I'm sure most people do) that backing up will save you time and hastle.... it makes me think of Carrie Bradshaw and her sad mac.

Now I use and external hard drive, but I'm sure I still don't back up enough.

OAsis said...

I'm also a fan of the external HD's. I'm not all that familiar with the sex and the city episodes, however, that one does sound familiar. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all have someone run out and by us a new computer when the old one craps out. :)

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