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Saturday, October 10, 2009


We all now how dangerous it is to text and drive. It's almost as stupid as not wearing your seatbelt.
I mean would you ever jump in a roller coaster ride without buckling up? I'm gonna go with NO. But tell me what is the difference between a roller coaster and a car that has just crashed and flipped moving at about 100 kph.
I'll tell you what the difference is - NOTHING. You'd probably get killed in that roller coaster if you didn't buckle up, but you do because you know it's gonna be a crazy ride. Well for those of you who have been fortunate enough to not experience a car accident it is just as crazy a ride. So to cut a long story short (too late I know), we buckle up.

Well to move on to my second point. Why do we think it's okay to drive and not look at the road? Last time I checked if someone is considered legally blind they are not allowed to drive. Well an individual who is legally blind and looking at the road is probably the same as someone is has perfect vision and not looking at the road.
To put it another way, if you can't see what's coming you can't do anything to avoid it. Therefore, WATCH THE ROAD DUMBASS, NOT YOUR PHONE

Finally, the MTO has decided to do something about it (not much). As of October 26th 2009, the province of Ontario and Quebec are making it illegal to use a cellphone or ipod or anyother device that is not handsfree.
Not a bad idea, I mean there will be people who will still try, but at least now they are going to be penalized if they are caught. Oh, but wait, the MTO knows how DUMB we all are and how it takes a long time for us to grasp these complicated concepts of EYES ON THE ROAD, so we have a 3 month 'education' period, and not until February 1, 2010 will we be slapped with a ticket.

But come on folks do we really need the threat of a ticket looming over us to know that we can just wait until we are not driving to check the phone, or for goodness sakes, pull over and do what you need to do.

HOW MUCH IS YOUR LIFE WORTH TO YOU? Be smart and drive safely.


Unknown said...

Oh my god that video is so messed up. I used to text and drive ALL the time. I think from now on I will just keep my phone tucked away in my purse so that it is out of my reach. You are so kind to make us all realize what dangerous idiots we have all been lol

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