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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

University of Western Police Brutality - YOUTUBE = NEWS

Prior to the internet how long would it have taken to get a news event out? A couple of hours would have been considered fast. In the time of news print, it would require the effort of a team of people to get a story ready and run the printing press to release the 'special edition'. An example of this is highlighted in the TIME article from 1945 . Today however, news can be spread by one individual around the world in a matter of seconds.

The recent incident on the campus of Western University highlights the power of the individual in a world revloving around technology. Of course these youtube news events aren't without its drawbacks. For example, we don't know the whole story, but what we do know is that the police were taking no prisoners when this guy would not "stop resisting".

News can spread like wild fire and eyes are everywhere. The video below is what was released about 20 mintues after the event took place and quickly captured the attention of tens of thousands of people.

Now I am not the biggest fan of authority figures either, but this guy is clearly going to have strong views against authority after this event. There is clearly more to this than we see, but what we can see from the video is how perceptions can be made from partial information. The UWO gazette cover the arrest in more detail.

In the world today it is important to realize how businesses can communicate across borders and retrieve news events relavent to its industry quickly and efficiently. No longer is it difficult to obtain news from any corner of the globe. The internet in all its awesome power has made e-business possible and the possibility for individuals to report their own news events.

I'm going to coin a new term which I think is very true and relates to this post it is e-news. The ability for the  individual to post news electronically from anywhere in the world.

So keep those cameras rolling, because you never know when you will have the next big story.


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