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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Smart Phones for Smart Companies...coming up next, Smart people

It's a berry good thing that we like technology, because technology, in its own messed up way, has a method to making our lives easier.

Smartphones are fast becoming the way to stay connected to the web. Businesses all over the world are turning to blackberries, iphones and also the windows phone, yes there is a phone with the windows O/S. Even the president of the United States, Mr. Obama has the blackberry to get those important emails when he needs them. We thought that with wireless internet we would always be connected, then they introduced cell phones with web capability. It was the "in" thing - to be able to surf the web on your phone.

Of course we have come along way from checking movie times and the score in the game. Now we have nothing short of a computer literally in the palm of our hand, which we are now sticking into our ear. This is ofcourse in an attempt to increase the handsfree capability. Which is great, because companies are not going to want their employees crashing, trying to reply to emails or make the important call while driving in the rain. Some new technology on the market which has identified this need of handsfree has introduced a nifty product that will read your emails to you via bluetooth and also reads the news and weather and everything the primative web capable phones did, but wirelessly and handsfree. It's the iLane.

The cool thing with technology is that companies can now be even more connected. They can really be an e-business. Technology is great and is helping us in ways we never even imagined, I mean the internet and web are pretty sweet and its off this technology that grew e-business, and the whole wireless world.


Unknown said...

I am glad they have got the handsfree system with bluetooth reading out emails.If anyone has ever seen 7 pounds with will smith you will know what I am talking about.

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