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Monday, October 12, 2009

Question! How do we feed 9,100,000,000 people?

People say I eat a lot, this could be true, however, I don't waste my food and I live to eat as well as eat to live. I am very fortunate to be living a life where I don't have to question where my next meal is going to come from, even though I am a student, I still get my food. However, there is a growing shortage of food around the world.

Recent BBC reports have suggested that food production needs to increase 70%, WOW. Are you kidding me? Well, no, I'm pretty sure they are not and the people that are suffering from food shortages are the same people who struggle for water. We complain about the price of gas being too high and then we rush out and spend $1.50 on half a liter of water. Have you considered what kind of a mess we could be in if gas prices were that high for us?

What we need to recognize is that those suffering from food and water shortages are also the individuals that we are so keen on getting computers into their hands and the internet at the tips of their fingers. I am all for the development of the web and trying to reach the far corners of the globe and involve them in the tech generation, but first we need to FEED them. Companies need to focus on ways to feed the future. If as much attention that is put towards food and feeding the world as is put on technology and what it can do for us, there just might be 3 billion other people that can contribute to the betterment of the world.


Unknown said...

We take so much for granted. I am surprised we are all able to get through our day to day lives without thinking about this more often. If I had a million dollars I think I would do something about it. But it seems like it is impossible to fix these things on our own. What would you say is the best way to help?

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