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Monday, October 19, 2009

Let's push things forward

Focus on the future don't dwell on the past, learn from our mistakes and more importantly the mistakes of others. As Issac Newton said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". What can we take from this?

Well for starters, there is no way in our lifetime that we can make all the mistakes that we would require to get everything right. What I mean by this, is basically, to learn from the mistakes of others. Whether that be other companies, other friends, our parents or role models. By learning from others we can make improvements on their methods, thus pushing things forward.

Keep moving forward, grow, learn and develop. We are constantly learning in our lives, and if not, you better start. Life evolves and we need to be constantly adapting whether that's in the business world or otherwise.

I recently attended a dinner/awards ceremony for I.E. Canada and they were awarding companies for improving process for export, greening the supply chain and leadership. They are recognizing the individuals who are moving forward.

Life can throw some tough times at us and although living in the present is very important and appreciating what we have, it is just as important to focus on the future and where our hard work today will put us in the future.

So I urge all of my readers, keep moving forward and live in the now, think in the future. 


Unknown said...

I agree that we must live in the moment. A friend of mine just found out they have bone cancer, 27 years old. Life can throw you a curve ball when you least expect it and it makes you realize "why didn't I live and appreciate every day to its fullest?" Now is as good as any time to start.

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