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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Human Resources? What human resources?

Human resources, where do I begin????   How about I don't !  Sounds like a good idea to me. I don't want to be one to preach to the masses but as the flobots so eloquently put it in their song 'handlebars' (which you should definitely check out), they say " I can lead a nation with a microphone".  Now I'm not saying I can lead a nation, heck according to my followers only 14 people really care about what I have to say, but I digress.

Human resources, not something we consider all that often, however, aparently HR takes up 70% of the expenses of a company to pay wages. blah blah blah. But seriously, just for a moment, human resources is something that every business needs to consider, especially when sending employees overseas. I am reading a book right now that makes you think about human resources without you even knowing it. On the Wings of Eagles, is a book written by Ken Follett, lately a personal favorite of mine. Without getting into too much detail it's about executives of an american company working in Iran, confusion ensues and the executives are thrown in jail. Then the company organizes a team of people to secretly go and break them out - as a friend put it after my explanation ' it sounds like a guy's book'. I'd probably have to agree. But it makes you think about the elements to consider when working on international assignments which are related to human resouces.

So what do you know, I guess I do have to consider human resouces down the road. But no matter the business, whether online or 'brick and mortar' the people outside - the customer keep you in business and the people inside - the employees run the business. Therefore we can't avoid the human element, thus making HR relevant to all of us.

Oh, and yes I can ride a bike with no handlebars.


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