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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Britney Spears, Megan Fox and Princess Diana. What do they have in common?

Societies addiction with celebrities is insatiable. We can't have it so we want it even more. Pictures, gossip, anything. Social networking sites has made this common place even within our own network of friends. Almost everything we know is fed to us through the media and online. Now we probably take most of what we hear with a grain of salt, but we still think there is some truth to what is being said.

Alison Jackson, a very well established artists is well known for her uncanny look-a-like celebrity photos. Making people believe that what they are seeing is real.

But what is real? When it comes to media and on a broader scale, the internet it is becoming harder to discern the boundaries of fiction and truth.

We are able to follow celebrities on a daily basis. Where the tabloids once stood we now have twitter, facebook, youtube and personal blog sites that are practically glued to the celebrity. The news tabloids and papers are still around, but its the internet that increasing celebrity exposure exponentially and making it even easier to spread gossip faster than a California forest fire.

According to AOL search terms, Britney Spears was the number one searched female celebrity in 2008. Megan Fox has been making waves with her films and looks. And what about Princess Diana? Well if you believe what Alison Jackson has so say, Princess Diana might be still alive...if you believe the pictures.

So where am I going with this? Well we need to scrutinize our sources and double and triple check our information. Businesses are able to fabricate and lead us to believe something that isn't true through a fancy website or product 'reviews', so don't trust everything you read, and in this age of digital magic, keep your eyes peeled.

P.S. Would you have read this if I hadn't mentioned celebrities in the title? You thought you'd satisfy that craving for celebrity gossip, eh?


Unknown said...

People can be tricked by so many things in the media. Even in the news. Those pictures shown in the video looked so real and they were so made up. Mentioning megan fox and britney spears in the title would probably get me every time, which is weird seeing as whatever I read its really not important at all compared to everything else going on in the world. Nice post.

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